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Grover Oil Bars

Oil Bar 1, 2, or 3 Spigots
9810 Oil Bar includes a single spigot centered on a
baked enamel cabinet with a platform complete with
metal grating and drip pan. Mounting hardware and
drain hose are supplied. Unit may be plumbed from
top or bottom.
9810A Oil Bar includes two spigots for two separate
fluids. Other features as above.
9810B Oil Bar includes three spigots for three
separate fluids. Other features as above.

Oil Bar with Solenoids
9816 Oil Bar includes a single spigot centered on a
baked enamel cabinet with an authorization light and
fluid solenoid which can be accuated by Grover
7500/7540 fluid inventory control console. This
controls access to oils and maintains an inventory
9816A Oil Bar includes two spigots, lights and
solenoids for two separate fluids. Other features as
9816B Oil Bar includes three spigots, lights and
solenoids for three separate fluids. Other features as
  9818 Oil Bar with Meter
9818 Oil Bar includes a single spigot and quart meter
with gallon totalizer (1584G). Meter is manually reset
to zero prior to use and indicates quarts dispensed.
Odometer records inventory usage in gallons.
9818A Oil Bar includes two spigots and two meters
for separate fluids. Other features as above.
    Grover Manufacturing Corporation  •  620 S. Vail Ave., Montebello, CA 90640
Tel: (323) 724-3444  •  Fax: (323) 724-3596  •  
Email: sales@grovermfg.com
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